Essential Watercolor Supplies for Beginners
Essential Watercolor Supplies for Beginners In this article, I cover the essential watercolor supplies for beginners. What supplies are the most important and what to spend your money on, so you get the best results for a reasonable price. As a beginner with...
Chickadee in Watercolor – Video Demo
Watercolor Video Demo – Painting a chickadee with ShinHan Watercolor. This week’s article is a chickadee
Paint Review, ShinHan Watercolor
In the article and video below, I will share my thoughts and experiences as I try them for the first time.
How to Mix Green with Watercolor
Mixing Greens Mixing green with watercolor can be a challenge, and this article will show you how to get the
Mixing Blacks and Darks with Watercolor
Mixing Recipes - Blacks and Darks with Watercolor. In this article, I will teach you how to mix blacks and darks with watercolor. So, I am obsessed...
Watercolor Demo – Painting Clematis Flowers
This clematis vine grows on the light post at the end of my driveway; I love the movement and gracefulness of these flowers. Definitely one of my favorites.